Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS) Logo

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS) Logo

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS) Logo

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS)

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan were established in the year 1972. Later in year 1987 under Rajiv Gandhi Government it became Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, an autonomous organization under Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, within the Government of India. Web:


NYKS Logo Black & White

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)  is one of the largest youth organizations in the world. NYKS currently has about 8.5 million youth enrolled through 3.01 lakh Youth Clubs/Mahila Mandals. NYKS has presence in 623 Districts through Nehru Yuva Kendras (NYKs). The Objective of the Programme is to develop the personality and leadershipqualities of the youth and to engage them in nation-building activities.

The areas of focus of the NYKS activities include literacy and education, health and family welfare, sanitation and cleanliness, environment conservation, awareness on social issues, women empowerment, rural development, skill development and self-employment, entrepreneurship development, civic education, disaster relief and rehabilitation, etc. The youth associated with Nehru Yuva Kendras are not only socially aware and motivated but are also inclined towards social
development work through voluntary efforts.


Objectives of NYKS are two fold :-

  • To involve the rural youth in nation building activities.

  • To develop such skills and values in them with which they become responsible and productive citizens of a modern, secular and technological nation.

    Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan has been working in various fronts of youth development with a variety of youth programmes of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and certain special programmes in coordination and cooperation of other ministries. Main focus has been on developing values of good citizenship, thinking and behaving in secular ways, skill development and helping youth to adopt a productive and organized behaviour.

Vision of NYKS :

Vision of the organization focuses on developing long term strategies for good citizenship and youth leadership at the grass root level. Youth Clubs are formed and encouraged to participate in sports, cultural and local development activities. Youth leadership is developed in the course of formation and sustenance of youth clubs. This leadership becomes highly useful in creating:-

  • Networks of volunteership.

  • Oppurtunities of participation in fundamental democratic practices of polity and development; and,

  • Instruments of empowerment of youth like skill-generation, awareness creation about health, life skills, and self employment.

Considering the fact that almost three-fourth of the Indian population is rural, the development of the nation as a whole depends on their progress and development. Besides, the demographic dividend that the country has enjoyed because of the larger segment of youth population, makes it almost mandatory for the largest youth organization like NYKS to take up more and more of such programmes as will promise empowerment of youth.

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) facebook :




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